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WINTER 2012  

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  • Ben Martin <br />Class of ’08
  • Kyle Evans <br /> Class of ’13
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@manchester news

Go, Spartans go! Football squad

wins again, and again, and again ...
Six consecutive wins. The Bronze Ball Trophy. A 38-0 shutout. HCAC Coach of the Year. The first winning season since 1997. read more

MU alumnus, CFO among top
in state: Indianapolis Business Journal

The Indianapolis Business Journal selects 1970 accounting graduate Jack Gochenaur as a 2012 CFO of the Year honoree for his excellence as a financial steward of Manchester University. read more

Down with dams, up with conservation,
the Middle Eel River Watershed Initiative way

The Middle Eel River Watershed Initiative, led by Manchester University, has received the 2012 Education and Information Award of the Hoosier Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society. The Initiative also has removed two pesky dams familiar to Manchester student canoers. You’ll want to watch the video!


Considering an acquisition?
Hire these Manchester seniors!

The advice of four MU senior accounting majors on a $10 million acquisition of a flooring manufacturer won them first prize in the Indiana CPA Society’s annual Case Study Competition – and $750 each. read more


Gallery G features eclectic collection
of Dr. Harry ’59 and Dr. Jan Keffer

The Keffers travel lots, bringing home an eclectic collection that includes many gems by well-known artists. Now the MU philanthropists are sharing their finds with MU students, and you. read more

PNC Foundation helps MU junior
learn best practices in teaching

“We should always focus on the child first, and look at their disability second. This is a key point that I learned this semester.” read more


Ho! Ho! Ho! Are you putting
U in your holidays?

Alumni get a 20 percent discount when they order the latest Manchester University gear and goodies from the online Campus Store. Just enter the checkout coupon code 20OFF. (Textbooks and already marked-down items not included.) Hurry, sale ends Dec. 20. Buy now!


Giving to Manchester
There's still time to give for
2012 tax deductions.

Manchester Magazine
Manchester magazine online
has even more!

Alumni & Friends - Connections for Life
Scores and scores of links!

Alumni Days 2013 – May 29-30 Homecoming 2013 – Oct. 4-5


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Manchester University Office of Alumni Administration | 888-257-ALUM (2586) |